Sunday, March 27, 2011

My tribute to Julia

I love to cook occasionally. Lately, I’ve been addicted to reading food blogs and saving recipes taken from them.
During one search, I discovered the blog of Julie Powell. Then recently I saw the film, Julie, Julia. Whenever I see a film based on a book, I have to read it. In this case, the movie is based on two books – 1. My life in France by Julia Child and Alex Prud’homme and 2. Julie and Julia: 365 days, 524 recipes, 1 tiny apartment kitchen by Julie Powell. I found myself looking for Julia’s book. Thanks to a friend who works with the USIS, I managed to get a copy of My life in France.
The book moves through the period she and her husband Paul spent in France where she learnt to cook, to his postings in other countries where she followed, and the time they spent at a house they later built in France. It is the story of a woman who wanted to cook well for her husband. It is also the story of a novice cook growing into a celebrated TV chef who went on to introduce French cooking to America.
I haven’t had French food yet. My favourite food is home food, followed by Punjabi and Chinese cuisine, followed by Italian. Still, under the influence of Julia’s writing, I tried a French garlic soup recipe. My little tribute to Julia. I found a recipe on the net which had carrots in it, so the soup looks a little carroty. But it tasted good.

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